Friday 21 September 2012

Sat 22 September 2012
Hi to all!
I thought I might write as to the inspiration behind me starting this blog. I have always liked to jot down things that have been going on in life and  love facebook to keep  me up to date with the goings on of my friends and family. I write too much..... So this gives me the freedom to let rip to my hearts content.
Back to inspiration..  I have been creating and making most of my life,(being 2nd oldest of 8) usually for family and friends.... If there was a costume or a special occasion  yep call Lee she can make it, and I did. Whether it be a Major Mitchell Cokatoo for the school play, done. A dragon "because you can sew", check done! Even though my daughter was green and couldn't go on stage.
Turned 40 and needed to go learn something new. Cabinet Making won that year and it has been the best. I have set up a workshop.
6 months ago I was looking for inspiration for the bedend benches that I had made a couple of 10 years agoand came across a photo of Confessions of a Curbshopaholic and have been hooked ever since. Painting my kitchen doors due to Thrifty Inspirations and someone else who added trim to the doors before painting... The beautiful work of Shari at Turnstyle Vogue... I have seen painted funiture that we in Australia have not been privy to. Blue roof cabin aah! love! I find more and more all the time and I have to stop looking and get out to my workshop or there wont be any thing to show you.
So I hope to show my creative side on here and hope I don't boor you all to much. I have started taking photo's of before and after and will add some when I work out how to... talk soon Lee!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Home Reno

21 September 2012.
This is the beginning of my blog, where I hope to share my passions and my dreams. I hope to share some of the things that I make and also the things that I change the look of.

I am in the middle of renovating my home. It is a double story mudbrick and cedar home set in an acre block of land.
The kitchen cupboard doors are removed ready to have a change of face. Plan: add a 2-3" strip around them and paint. The mudbrick, above the kitchen benches, has a 3 in one coating on ready for the lightest paint I can find, that is not stark white. Paint supply on hand, just go mix it myself.
I have painted the front door a dark strawberry. I will find the name of it for you. Plan to keep the lower level unpainted mudbrick and try and make a match for the top cedar boards. thinking of maybe a rusty orange for the trim.
Today I have picked up a laundry trough. Free!!